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Donate to a charity and help the environment.

Why do we do what we do?

Are you wondering why We Recycle Clothes is so important and crucial for our charity partners?

There are many reasons why clothing donations are important. They benefit not only our partners but other people too. Charities are non-profit organisations, but they require funding to continue providing their support and services.

Therefore, the clothing which you donate is converted into vital funds for our charity partners. You help the charity, the people who require help from the charities and people who will buy your pre-loved clothing, giving them a second life.

Second-hand clothing is sold at much lower prices, giving the opportunity for the less fortunate to buy clothes at an affordable price. We are able to support small businesses to generate an income stream and help with the country’s economy.

Not to mention, you are also protecting the environment by donating your preloved or unwanted clothing. When people buy used clothing instead of new, fewer new clothes need to be made. This saves the resources used to create new textiles.

Recycling clothing helps the environment, similar to recycling our general household waste, packaging, and food recycling.

We Recycle Clothes protects the environment through the lack of unnecessary driving around the country. This means that carbon footprint is lowered to the minimum as our drivers will only travel to collection points on agreed times and dates.

We all have those few brand-new clothes we will never wear, so donating preloved clothing will allow you to have more space for those clothes you wear.

How can we help the environment and charities at the same time?

The less we throw our clothes and accessories in the bin, the more we help the environment by donating our pre-loved items to charities.

It is estimated that 1.75m tonnes of clothing and textile waste is created in the UK alone each year, and 1.2m tonnes of it end up in landfill. Not to mention the important level of water wastage equivalent to 94 full bathtubs reduces the impact by limiting CO2 emissions and pesticides and fertilisers.

Why would you donate to a charity?

When we donate pre-loved items to a charity, we are automatically helping the people most in need by helping to raise funds. Every donated bag counts towards a person’s better quality of life.

There are a variety of charities out there trying their best to supply services to noble causes such as Age UK Hertfordshire charity (supporting the elderly), The Brain charity (helping people with all forms of neurological conditions), The Gatehouse Oxford charity (offers a wide range of services to homeless people), Dreams Come True charity (support children with living disability, serious illness, lor life limiting conditions), Samuel’s charity (supports many children’s wards and individuals sick children across the UK hospitals), The Loss foundation (It is a UK charity dedicated to providing bereavement support following the loss of a loved one to cancer), Survivors of bereavement by Suicide (The charity helps those bereaved by suicide to support each other at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow), Ukrainian Red Cross ( helps people maintain their livelihoods and provides psychological support), Turkey and Syria earthquake ( funds are raised to be send through UK Government groups to purchase most needed supplies).

How to donate your pre-loved items?

  • Book a Collection

  • Bag up

  • Our van will collect from your doorstep with no hassle.

  • The charity chosen by you will receive £200 per tonne.

It is an honour to work indirectly and directly with charities that help the environment with the intent of a better future for all.

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